Thursday, May 03, 2007

Cosmic Twins

When I first met my sweet friend Ophelia several years ago at QSDS (Quilt Surface Design Symposium), we instantly bonded and decided that we must be Cosmic Twins. Here are my two favorite pictures ... one of our bus-ride to some galleries (which we ditched half-way through, like two kids playing hooky) and the other of our celebration of Susan (Lucky) Shie's wonderful art quilt, "The Chariot", in one of the galleries (which we were glad we didn't miss!)

Sweet Ophelia ... hereafter to be known as Opie Von Schnopie.

Despite geographic distance and the time that has passed since we've been able to get together, we've maintained our correspondence and friendship, and have recently decided to have a monthly challenge/exchange, just for fun. Here are pics of our first exchange ... ATC's-only-bigger ... i.e., postcards.

Above is Opie's adorable Friendship postcard ... paper, paint, collage.

and here is mine ... Photoshopped image of my cat Mariah, 3-D embellished & stitched w tulle to allow it to travel safely thru the mail.

This is going to be fun! (Right, Opie?)

1 comment:

  1. The designs of your postcard is very nice and very well for all. This is so really beautiful and amazing. Very wonderful colors and beautiful background. I like it so very much.


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