I've talked about
Misty Fuse (paperless fusible web) before, and how much I love it. In fact, LOVE isn't a strong enough word ... I LURVE it with a fiery passion usually reserved for purveyors of castile soaps.
(By the way, I DO also love my Dr. Bronner's Hemp-Almond Pure-Castile Soap, but that's another story. Also, if you have really great eyesight or else a super-power magnifying glass, be sure to read the very tiny print on the bottle, for an education and/or a scary/incomprehensible rant, depending on your viewpoint.)
Iris Karp of Misty Fuse (This picture is actually from 2009. I forgot to take a picture of her this year, so I borrowed this one from Susan Brubaker Knapp. Thanks, Susan!) |
Annnnyway, to get back to the subject of this post, I LURVE my Misty Fuse, and while at Quilt Festival in Houston a few weeks ago, I made a bee-line for the Misty Fuse booth, and ran into Misty Fuse Genius, Iris Karp. (Iris and Misty Fuse have a
Facebook page, too.) We had our yearly hug and quick chat, and I made off with my purchase ... at long last, I had decided I needed a BOLT of the wunnerful stuff. I've been buying it by the package for years (ever since I discovered it), and finally made the plunge. "OMG," as the kids say, why did I wait so long? It is so much easier to access, straight off the bolt!
The packages are great, but the bolt is even better! |
Someone suggested using a paper-towel dispenser for the roll ... either the horizontal kind mounted on the wall, or the kind that stands upright on the counter. Great idea! I'm also thinking I will make a little quilted "cozy" to slip over it, just for fun.
If you've never tried it, just buy a small package at your local quilt shop, or on-line. Instructions come with the package, and I'll bet you'll fall in love with it too. (No affiliation, etc., I just love this stuff, and it's one of my favorite purchases from Quilt Festival this year.) Have fun fusing!