Linda Teddlie Minton is known throughout internet-land for her compassion, kindness, and upbeat attitude. If you share some good news, you can bet that Linda will send you a little note of congratulations and encouragement. In her art, Linda is fearless is trying new materials and techniques. She is always going forward, but always keeping to her aesthetic of texture and earthy colors. Linda’s
blog reflects her wide-ranging artistic interests and her extensive networking with other artists.
1. Why are you participating in the ONE fundraiser for the American Cancer Society?I’ve been inspired by Virginia’s fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society from the beginning, and have gained a great deal of personal satisfaction in participating over the years. My husband, Jim, died of colon cancer in 1999, and this is my way of honoring his inner strength, deep humanity, humor, and determination.
In Search Of by Linda Teddlie Minton. This artwork will be available during the
ONE fundraiser on February 16.
2. Tell us about your collages for ONE.I’d been wanting to expand my exploration of the theme, Journey, and this was the perfect opportunity. I love mixed media, and yet had not been taking the time to delve into it in a meaningful way until now. These five Journey collages incorporate many techniques and materials that I have picked up over the years, such as using stitched canvas as a base, and being fearless in working with unusual materials such as black gesso, tea bags, coffee grounds, hand-painted and rusted papers and silks, plus various types of paints, inks, and powders.
The title of each Journey collage reflects a portion of my own life’s journey … The Reach, Heat Source, Traveling Companions, The Wanderer, and In Search Of. I hope that they will inspire others in their own Journeys, artistic or otherwise.

Digital work-in-progress by Linda Teddlie Minton
3. What are you working on in the studio now?My Houston-based fiber arts group, FiberVoices, has several challenges and group projects going forward this year, and I am concentrating on them at the moment. Then I also have two more early-2011 deadlines to be met … one of which I haven’t even started yet! (Deadlines are my friends … without them I don’t know if I’d ever get anything finished!)
My current passion is for digital collage and manipulation, using Photoshop Elements. I often use my resulting digital artwork as the basis for my fiber art. It’s an exciting Journey for me, and one which I intend to pursue further.
4. Do you collect art? If so, how do you know a piece is right for your collection?When I have the financial means, I do collect art … passionately! I know when a piece speaks directly to my heart and have learned not to hesitate, if I can possibly afford it. The only way I can explain it is that “it grabs me”! Too many times, I’ve had to walk away from a work of art that I felt very connected to … only to still regret, years later, that I didn’t take advantage of the opportunity when it existed.
5. What advice do you have for artists who are seeking their unique voice or direction in their own artwork?Although inspiration from other artists’ work is exciting, I’m only just now learning that I need to step back from the huge crush of information available to us about “how-to-do-it”, new products, and “innovative” techniques. I find that I sometimes am overwhelmed by conflicting advice and sales-motivated “new” techniques and products. I’m learning to somewhat close myself off from all the “noise” and concentrate on my own ideas for the work.
6. What would you do with a year free to do what you wanted with no responsibilities or financial concerns?I’d probably take a sabbatical into nature … no telephone, television or internet, and only taking a small amount of supplies and making do with what I had or could devise for using in my artwork. It would be so exciting for me to be totally alone and free to concentrate on nothing but art!