I just shipped off another pair of hand-painted Z-Coil shoes for a Texas customer. She liked some of the ones she saw on my blog, and wanted something similar.
The Z-Coils that she sent me were black, and she wanted a light grey, so they first had to be over-painted. This took a base coat, 3 coats of light grey, and after the artwork was done in black ink, 3 sheer coats of sealer. Each step is not difficult (except the artwork), just time-consuming ... because each coat has to be completely dry before another coat can be added. I think they turned out nicely.
Side view ... oops, I forgot to put the sole liners back in before taking the pictures! |
I like the Z-Coil logo, so I recreated it on the heels. |
Front view, masked for sealant application. (The camera flash blew out some of the detail on the front, but the base color is truer than in the other pictures.) |
The finished shoes. She should have them in a few days, I hope she likes them! |
(In case you're wondering, the shoes say: "Tragically Cool & Incredibly Hip"; and "Awaiting Additional Inspiration.")