Saturday, December 04, 2010

Art Quilts -- some of my favorites from Houston Quilt Festival 2010

In no particular order of preference (actually, they turned out to be alphabetical by title), here are just a few of the pictures I took at the Houston International Quilt Festival in November.  There were so many more, but many of the shots didn't turn out well enough to post.

Oh my gosh, in looking back at all these pictures, I'm reminded once again of what a wealth of talent we have in the art-quilt world.  In the process of cropping, straightening, and light-correcting all these pictures, I've been inspired all over again.

I've tried to give proper attribution to the artists, but if you see an error, misspelling, or just don't want your quilt showcased here, please just let me know and I will immediately delete it.


After the Rain, by Dianne Firth

Big Bang, by Marianne R. Williamson
Big Leaf I, by Dominie M. Nash

Caddy and the Cakes, by Janet Fogg

Coneflower, by Mary Ann Vaca-Lambert

Evening Dandies - Lions, That is!  by Leigh Layton

Global Meltdown, by Christi S. Beckmann

Hope Springs Eternal, by Phyllis Binkley

I'm Watching You, by Barbara McKie

Indian Paintbrush, by Margit Kagerer

It Came from Beneath the Sea, by Roberta Deluz

Leaf on Wet Pavement, by Ruth Anne Yax

Let's All Spring Forward, by Rosalie Baker

Lunacy on a Starry Night, by Annette Hendricks

My Rhino, by Pam Holland

Pathway to a Secret Garden, by Dianne Firth

Rainbow Canyon, by Grace J. Errea

Rooted X, by Kristin La Flamme

Royal Gala: Bloom, by Amanda Onchulenko

Ruffled Feathers, by Roxanne Nelson

Sandia Mountain Spring, by Betty Busby

Sheer Whim, by Maria Elkins

Sillouhettes, by Carol Taylor

Sunflower I, by Patricia Schumbacher

The Sentry of Santorini Island, by David Taylor

The Winner's Circle, by Nancy Dickey

Urban Footscape, by Jamie Fingal

Yellowstone I - Outflow, by Nancy E. Kempel

and here are a couple of art dolls that caught my eye...

Hobby Horse, by Brenda Gehl

Heart of My Heart, by Janet Bodin

Urban Footscape

Today seems to be my day for posting pictures.  After having lost the Silent Auction bid I had placed on Jamie Fingal's "Urban Footscape" piece, I had the good luck of buying one of her small pieces in this series.  Here's a picture of it as it hangs on my office wall.  It is only 5" x 7", but is one of the most dynamic pieces of art in my little collection.  Thank you, Jamie!

"I Want to Create With My Hands"
I absolutely LOVE this little work of art.

Pics from Quilt Festival

At last, here are some pics from the 2010 Houston International Quilt Festival.  These are mostly "people pictures"; some of my favorite art quilts will be posted later today or tomorrow.

Leslie Tucker Jenison and Jamie Fingal at their demo table.

Leslie explaining her technique.

Leslie gets "demonstrative".

Jamie at her free-motion quilting demo.

Jamie's "Urban Footscape".
Jamie's contribution to the Silent Auction -- I bid, but didn't win it.

Jane Davila at her Make-It-U mini-workshop "Gyotaku fish printing"

Cheryl Johnson and I both lucked out and got into Jane's class!

Nancy Dickey and "Passages"

One panel of the Beneath the Surface exhibit -- with my "The Key" on the right.

"The Key" and Me.

Pokey Bolton and Maggie Winfield, just outside the Make-It-U classroom.

Maggie and I went to lunch one day, and as always, she drew admiring glances from everyone.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Maggie strikes again.

The ever-creative Maggie Winfield had two little hand-made gifties for me when I saw her at Quilt Festival last month. I'm just now getting around to posting pictures of them.  So cute, and so practical!

The little "pocky-purse" (well, that's what I call it) is about 6" tall and 7" wide, with a spring-loaded opening.  It is flat as a flitter (as my Mamaw would have said), great for receipts, credit cards, cash, even a lipstick and comb.  I can carry it by itself, or stick it down inside a larger purse.

The notebook cover is about 5" x 8", and has a pocket to insert any kind of notepad in it.  (And Maggie knows, I'm always looking for a notepad in my purse!)

Thank you again, Ms. Maggie!