PMC, once fired, is .999 pure silver ... purer than sterling, and a little bit softer. These are my first efforts ... not exactly professional, but I'm pleased enough with them to share them here. Definitely more to come!

Above are the pieces, fresh from the flame, with no antiqueing added. They've just been brushed with a brass brush to take down some of the bright shine.

Next the pieces are shown after being taken from the Liver of Sulphur solution. The color in this image isn't exactly true, but pretty close. I didn't like the gold-y color, and so wanted to go back to the more silvery tone.

And above is the final version ... most of the Liver of Sulphur has been brushed away with the brass brush, leaving only a little darkening in the crevasses, which I like better. The penny is shown for size reference.
Some day I'm going to learn the secret for photographing shiny stuff indoors. Sorry for the poor images, especially of the large pendant. It has a rolled self-bail that's actually kind of neat.