Collage Mania Preview Week -- It's here at last!
Sun Please, by Inge ReinholdtAt last, the much-anticipated Preview of all 235 collages created by over 100 artists worldwide, which will be available for purchase on May 5 and 6, 2008!
Collage Mania 2008 is organized and managed by fiber artist
Virginia Spiegel. Virginia explains:
"Preview Week is a great time to browse through the collages, make your shopping list, prepare an e-mail to send me (note: for which collages you want to acquire!) and ask any questions you may have about Collage Mania and how to acquire the artwork."FUNDRAISING TO BENEFIT
THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETYVirginia and her team of supporters organized Collage Mania 2008 to benefit The American Cancer Society. Virginia is also the founder of
Fiberart For A Cause which has raised more than $150,000 for the American Cancer Society in the last several years.
HOW TO ACQUIRE A COLLAGEVirginia provides detailed information about
how to acquire a collage on the Collage Mania Site. It's fun, it's exciting! Preview all the wonderful artwork, make your choices ... and have your email ready to send off on May 5 and May 6! Then you will have not only some fantastic new artwork for your collection, but also the satisfaction of having helped a most worthy cause.
I've got my choices already made ... keeping my fingers crossed that I get at least one of my "first" choices, but knowing that ALL of my choices are wonderful! Dive in, have fun, and help Virginia raise more money for the American Cancer Society.