Tonight was the night ... the drawing for the Tommy Dixon Opportunity Quilt (see my May 4 post).
In the midst of much celebration and hilarity, we searched for the perfect "uninterested party" to draw the winning ticket. First one candidate, then another, was discretely rejected, due to one lack of perfection or another. This one was too tall, that one too short, this one didn't smile enough, that one drooled in his black bean soup. We were very picky about picking the picker to pick the ticket!
Finally, the perfect person came along! A young man named Connor came up to our table to compliment us on our silly costumes. We immediately fell in love, captured him, and made him our honorary Prince of the Evening, whereupon he fulfilled his princely duties by drawing the winning ticket forthwith.

Following instructions to the"T", Connor clenches his eyes tightly shut while digging through the hundreds of tickets to pull the winner.

At last! The Winning Ticket!

With much fanfare, the winning ticket was drawn and read aloud by our Queen for the Night, Sharon Dixon. And the winner is ...
Donna DiFiore!
Congratulations, Donna, you are the lucky winner of your choice of one of the two quilts made and quilted by Sharon. (It's my understanding that Donna has chosen the double-ribbon-winning Batik quilt.)

Sharon immediately called Donna to give her the good news ... and Connor also wanted to congratulate her. I think this adorable young man was as excited as we were! Thank you, Prince Connor, for helping us in our Hour of Need!

Sharon wanted me to thank each and every one of you who has contributed by buying a ticket (or tickets) for her Opportunity Quilt. So many times over the past few months, she has been almost overcome by your kindness and generosity.
Tommy is doing very well since his return home from the hospital, and is exercising diligently in order to regain his strength. He joins his voice with Sharon's in thanking you all for your help. It is something they have both said over and over that they will never forget. (Tommy told Sharon, "Quilters are powerful people! I'm sure glad they're on my side!")
Here are some more pictures of the evening's festivities.

Queen Sharon

Princess Linda

Princess Betty

Princess Barb

The Celebratory Dinner
P.S. I just learned that Connor and his Dad rode the MS-150 charity bike ride for Multiple Sclerosis, and Connor placed 14th in fundraising for kids under 17 (out of 13,000 riders)! Double-Hooray for Connor! (That's his proud Dad, second from left.) And look at that way-cool two-seater bike, too!
Looks like you all had a blast and glad so much money was raised to help Sharon and her family out! Just sorry my ticket wasn't pulled - not really, just glad to help out a little! Congratulations to the lucky winner!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Donna! I was just sure that pink and brown log cabin was going to be mine...ah well, at least I got to help a great friend!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are just too cute all dolled up for your celebration! And Connor was pretty cute, too!
Connor was adorable! We couldn't have had a better person to do the drawing. He shared in our excitement which made it even more fun. Tommy and I appreciate everything that everyone has done to help. It means more than we'll ever be able to express in words.