Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Maggie strikes again.

The ever-creative Maggie Winfield had two little hand-made gifties for me when I saw her at Quilt Festival last month. I'm just now getting around to posting pictures of them.  So cute, and so practical!

The little "pocky-purse" (well, that's what I call it) is about 6" tall and 7" wide, with a spring-loaded opening.  It is flat as a flitter (as my Mamaw would have said), great for receipts, credit cards, cash, even a lipstick and comb.  I can carry it by itself, or stick it down inside a larger purse.

The notebook cover is about 5" x 8", and has a pocket to insert any kind of notepad in it.  (And Maggie knows, I'm always looking for a notepad in my purse!)

Thank you again, Ms. Maggie!


  1. you went to Festival!!!! Nice....its been so long since I have been. Hope you had the best time ever! I REALLY miss ya!

  2. fantastically fun gifties, Linda! Jealous over here.....

  3. Very nice Festival. It really fun to go. Happy new Year All!


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