Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Pictures are back!

In VinoVeritas, 2008 (SOLD)
Found medical book pages, inks, ceramic cabochon, glass cab, beads, stitching.
Finally ... I found the time to figure out what happened to all my pictures which had disappeared for the past two years of blog postings.  Thank goodness they are all (or at least mostly) back now, and I didn't even have to re-insert them individually like I was afraid of.

Since I don't like to post anything without a picture, I thought I'd just insert "In Vino Veritas" above, since it was one of the few images on my laptop.  Now maybe I can get back to posting again!

1 comment:

  1. Several people have written to ask how I "fixed" the picture problem, when they had all disappeared. I should have told you! It was a Picasa Albums setting. Somehow they had all been changed (not by me!) to private, and they had to be set to Public. It took me a while to figure it out, because I didn't even know my pictures were stored there. (Duh, hitting self on forehead!) Anyway, all's well that ends well. Thanks for asking!


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