Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Oh, holy cow!  Ricë Freeman-Zachary (Notes from the Voodoo Cafe), one of my all-time favorite artist/bloggers, has posted about an outrageous thing that happened to her and her husband in the West Texas town of Midland, where they have lived all their adult lives.

I don't usually post directly about another blogger's post, but this one is important.   Ricë is such a creative writer that all her blog posts are incredibly interesting (she writes professionally for several big-name art and fiber-art magazines).  When she posts a "rant", we all run to read it ... don't miss this one.

It will most likely make you see red.  It is not fiber-art related.  If you don't like to read "rants", please take the opportunity to read her other posts, which ARE fiber and art related, and which are always intelligent, informative, and often very funny.  You won't want to miss her fabulous writing.


  1. Thanks, Linda. Rice had enough comments to get the point that she and EGE are well-supported. I appreciate that you put us in touch with her rant, which is difficult to read but important to know. She has much to teach the world about knowing oneself and having no fear to be oneself. She is a life force, for sure. I admire her and you, too.

  2. Hi, Linda. I usually read Ricë's blog, but hadn't gotten over there yet. Thanks for pointing out her rant. Yeah, racism is still around as is sexism, agism, etc.
    On a happier note, I really enjoyed your Houston photos--looks like it was so much fun!
    Happy holiday stitching!
    best from Tunisia,

  3. I try like mad to keep from writing too many negative posts, but some things just have to be mentioned. ;^)

    Quilt Festival was wonderful, and as always, I came home counting the days until next year's show! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.


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